2020 Ph.D., Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2013 M.S., Biology, San Diego State University
2007 B.S., Biology and History, Trinity University
2020 Ph.D., Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz
2013 M.S., Biology, San Diego State University
2007 B.S., Biology and History, Trinity University
S. S. Kienle, A. Berta. The evolution of feeding strategies in phocid seals (Pinnipedia, Phocidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
S. S. Kienle, A. Cacanindin* (undergrad), T. Kendall, B. Richter, C. Ribeiro-French, L. Castle, G. Lentes, D. Costa, R. Mehta. Hawaiian monk seals exhibit behavioral flexibility when targeting prey of different size and shape. Journal of Experimental Biology.
S. S. Kienle, H. Hermann-Sorensen H, D. P. Costa, C. Reichmuth, R. S. Mehta. Comparative feeding strategies and kinematics in phocid seals: suction without specialized skull morphology. Journal of Experimental Biology 221: jeb179424
S. S. Kienle, C. J. Law, D. P. Costa, A. Berta, R. S. Mehta. Revisiting the behavioural framework of feeding in marine mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20171035.
S. S. Kienle, A. Berta. The better to eat you with: the comparative feeding morphology of phocid seals (Pinnipedia, Phocidae). Journal of Anatomy 228: 396-413.
S. S. Kienle, J. S. Reidenberg, T. A. Deméré. Tongue musculature and functional morphology of the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). The Anatomical Record 298:660-674.
E. G. Ekdale, S. S. Kienle. Passive restriction of blood flow and counter-current heat exchange via lingual retia in the tongue of a neonatal gray whale Eschrichtius robustus (Cetacea, Mysticeti). The Anatomical Record 298:675-679.
A. Berta, E. G. Ekdale, N. T. Zellmer, T. A. Deméré, S. S. Kienle, M. A. Smallcomb. Eye, nose, hair, and throat: external anatomy of the head of a neonate gray whale (Cetacea, Mysticeti, Eschrichtiidae). The Anatomical Record 298:648-659.
A. Berta, S. S. Kienle, S. Sorbi, G. Biannuci. A re-evaluation of Pliophoca etrusca (Pinnipedia: Phocidae) from the Pliocene of Italy: Phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 35:e889144.
2017-2020 Office of Polar Programs Grant (contributed to writing), NSF
2013-2018 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Summer Fellowship, UC Santa Cruz
2018 Graduate Student Associate Travel Grant, UC Santa Cruz
2017 Dissertation Research Grant, UC Institute for Mexico and the United States
2017 Grant for Marine Mammal Research, American Cetacean Society Monterey Bay
2016 UC MEXUS – CONACYT Research Grant, UC Institute for Mexico and the United States
2016 Grant for Marine Mammal Research, American Cetacean Society Monterey Bay
2016 Rebecca and Steve Sooy Graduate Fellowship in Marine Mammals, UC Santa Cruz
2015 Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant, UC Natural Reserves
2015 Lerner Grey Marine Research Grant, American Museum of Natural History
2014 Dr. Earl H. Myers & Ethel M. Myers Oceanographic and Marine Biology Trust, UC Santa Cruz
2014 Student Research and Education Award, Friends of Long Marine Laboratory
2014 Graduate Student Associate Travel Grant, UC Santa Cruz
2013 Regent’s Fellowship, UC Santa Cruz
2013 Student Travel Grant, Society of Marine Mammalogy
2013 Student Travel Grant, Society of Vertebrate Paleontology
2013 Instructionally Related Student Travel Funds, San Diego State University
2012 Sally Casanova California Pre-Doctoral Scholar Fellowship, California State University
2012 Theodore Cohn Evolutionary Biology Graduate Scholarship, San Diego State University
2012 Jordan D. Covin Memorial Scholarship, San Diego State University
2012 Harry E. Hamber Memorial Scholarship, San Diego State University
2012 Mabel Myers Memorial Scholarship, San Diego State University
2011 Lerner Grey Marine Research Grant, American Museum of Natural History
2011 Instructionally Related Student Travel Funds, San Diego State University
2011 Student Travel Grant, Society for Marine Mammalogy
2003–2007 President’s Scholarship, Trinity University
2019 Grad Slam Champion, UCSC
2018 Emily Klein Award, Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
2015 Best Doctoral Speed Talk, Biology of Marine Mammals Conference
2013 D. Dwight Davis Award for Best Student Oral Presentation, Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology
2012 Dean’s Award for Best Oral Presentation, San Diego State University
2007 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, Trinity University
2006 Trinity University Dean’s List, Trinity University
2006 Research Experience for Undergraduates Internship, NSF
2005 Research Experience for Undergraduates Internship, NSF
2004 Dean’s List, Trinity University
Sex-specific foraging strategies of a sexually dimorphic marine predator, the northern elephant seal. Mathias Symposium, Bodega Bay, CA.
Hawaiian monk seals suck: Behavioral flexibility in feeding strategies and kinematics when Hawaiian monk seals target different prey. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Tampa, FL.
Comparative feeding strategies and kinematics in phocid seals. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA
Flexibility in the foraging behavior of Hawaiian monk seals. Biology of Marine Mammals, Halifax, Canada
Feeding strategies in Hawaiian monk seals. EEB Research Symposium, Santa Cruz, CA
Feeding strategies of Hawaiian monk seals. SMM California Student Chapter, Moss Landing, CA
Pinnipeds Suck: Examining underwater feeding strategies in seals and sea lions. EEB Research Symposium, Santa Cruz, CA
Pinnipeds Suck: Examining underwater feeding strategies in seals and sea lions. Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, CA
Biting vs. suction: Examining underwater feeding strategies in multiple pinniped species. EEB Research Symposium, Santa Cruz, CA
Biting vs. suction: Examining underwater feeding strategies in multiple pinniped species. Society of Marine Mammalogy Student Chapter, Moss Landing, CA
The differential foraging ecology and habitat use of male northern elephant seals. EEB Research Symposium, Santa Cruz, CA
The better to eat you with: The comparative feeding morphology of phocid seals. Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand
Pinniped skullduggery: The evolution of feeding strategies in phocid seals. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Los Angeles, CA
The better to eat you with: The comparative feeding morphology of phocid seals. California Student Chapter of the Marine Mammal Society, Santa Cruz, CA
Pinniped skullduggery: The evolution of feeding strategies in phocid seals. SDSU Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA
Hungry, hungry pinnipeds: The comparative feeding morphology of phocid seals. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA
The better to eat you with: The comparative anatomy and evolution of feeding in seals (Carnivora, Phocidae). SDSU Student Research Symposium, San Diego, CA
A re-evaluation of Pliophoca etrusca (Pinnipedia: Phocidae) from the Pliocene of Italy: Phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Raleigh, NC
Population-level foraging variability in a mesopelagic predator, the male northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Bio-logging Science Symposium, Strasbourg, France.
The comparative anatomy and evolution of feeding in phocids. Biology of Marine Mammals, Tampa, FL.
The comparative anatomy and evolution of feeding in phocids. Secondary Adaptation of Tetrapods to Life in the Water, San Diego, CA
Males vs. females: Feeding behavior of northern elephant seals. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting, Alpena, MI
Feeding behavior of northern elephant seals. Friends of Elephant Seals Lecture Series, Cambria, CA 2017
Suction versus biting: Prey capture strategies in seals. Minnesota Zoo, Apple Valley, MN 2016
Feeding in the deep: Investigating the feeding behavior of northern elephant seals. San Simeon Public Lecture Series, Cambria, CA
Suction versus biting: Prey capture strategies in seals. Science on Tap Public Lecture Series, Santa Cruz, CA
Pinniped feeding ecology. Santa Cruz Library Citizen Science Talk, Santa Cruz, CA
Feeding preference and tolerance of chemically defended seaweeds in herbivorous marine amphipods. Hollings Marine Laboratory, Charleston, SC
Geomicroorganisms in Not-So Subsurface Environments. Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Geomicroorganisms in Not-So Subsurface Environments. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM
Making the CAISE: Creating Active and Inclusive Section Experiences, facilitator (2018)
Biology of Marine Mammals laboratory, lead instructor (2 terms, 2014–2015)
Human Physiology laboratory, lead instructor (6 terms, 2010–2013)
Life Science (2 terms, 2009-2010)
Environmental Science (1 term, 2009-2010)
Biology (4 terms, 2007-2009)
Teach for America Corps Member (4 terms, 2007-2009)
Ecology (2 terms, 2005-2007)
Reviewer, Marine Ecology Progress Series (2019-Present)
Reviewer, PeerJ (2019-Present)
Reviewer, Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (2017-Present)
Board Member, Student Member-at-Large, Society of Marine Mammalogy (2014-2017)
Chair, Student Affairs Committee, Society of Marine Mammalogy (2015-2017)
FaciTeaching Assistant Training, UC Santa Cruz (2018)
Graduate Student Representative, UC Santa Cruz (2014-2015)
Laboratory Safety Officer, Costa Lab, UC Santa Cruz (2015-2019)
Scientist, Letters to a Pre-Scientist
Guest Scientist, Skype A Scientist
Scientist, Letters to a Pre-Scientist
Guest Scientist, Skype A Scientist
Guest Speaker, California Ocean Alliance, Santa Cruz, CA
Guest Scientist, Boys and Girls Club Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA
Guest Speaker, Año Nuevo Docents Training, Año Nuevo State Park, CA
Guest Researcher, Año Nuevo Seal Adventure Days
Community College Research Internship for Science Engagement, UC Santa Cruz
NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries Webinar Series
Guest Speaker, BioSITE and Leland High School
Interview, NOAA Ocean Guardians School
Guest Speaker, Año Nuevo Docents Training, Año Nuevo State Park, CA
Guest Researcher, Año Nuevo Seal Adventure Days
Mentor, UC Santa Cruz Student Internship Program
Guest Speaker, Año Nuevo Docents Training, Año Nuevo State Park, CA
Guest Researcher, Año Nuevo Seal Adventure Days
Guest Speaker, Lakeview Middle School
Panelist, Society for the Advancement of Hispanics/ Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
Middle School Science Fair Judge, Pajaro Middle School
Mentor, UC Santa Cruz Student Internship Program
Guest Speaker, Año Nuevo Docents Training, Año Nuevo State Park, CA
Guest Researcher, Año Nuevo Seal Adventure Days
Guest Lecturer, Watsonville High School
Presenter, A Fish’s Story, Gavilan College
Elementary School Science Fair Judge, Westlake Elementary School
Guest Speaker, Año Nuevo Docents Training, Año Nuevo State Park, CA
Guest Researcher, Año Nuevo Seal Adventure Days
Invited Speaker, Docent’s Lecture, San Diego Natural History Museum
Nifty Fifty Speaker, W.D. Hall Elementary School and Jean Farb Middle School
Guest Scientist, La Mesa Dale Elementary School
Nifty Fifty Speaker, W.D. Hall Elementary School and Jean Farb Middle School
Exhibits Interpreter, Birch Aquarium
Guest Speaker, Women Scientists in Action Camp
Guest Presenter, Health Sciences High and Middle College, San Diego, CA
Exhibits Interpreter, Birch Aquarium
2018 “Studying Leopard Seals in Antarctica” (article),
2017 National Marine Sanctuaries Stories from the Blue (online video)
2016 “Tag Retrieved from Elephant Seal at San Simeon” (article), The Cambrian
2015 Ocean Mysteries with Jeff Corwin (TV)
2015 Big Blue Live (TV)
Ecological Society of America
Graduate Women in Science and Engineering
International Bio-logging Society
Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology
Society for Marine Mammalogy
2012-2014 Society for Vertebrate Paleontology
2011-2013 Association for Women in Science